Before i begin, this is entirely opinionated.. i am not a Doctor nor do I think my theory is the end-all to everything nor am I opposed to criticisms so please do not take offense. This is merely an observation from my experience. First, let me give you guys a little backround on myself so you understand more of where I'm coming from. My name is Andrew and I'm 23 years old. I come from a rather "paranoid and anxious" filled family (italian) so my whole life I have been sent from doctor to doctor and switched from medication to medication. I am an extremely intelligent person and realized that pharmaceuticals do more harm than good. I am a man of spirituality and nature and i say if its made by nature then its probably good for you so I am down with holistic/natural medicines as well. I believe that human beings have a certain need to be "high" due to the lack of "LIFE" we feel on a day to day basis, whether you except it or not humans have been dulled down and "calmed" so to speak, over many years of false treatments and society based stresses and beliefs. Humans are meant to be naturally high, constantly, and we are not which is why we CONSTANTLY seek the need to feel inebriated and/or high. Unfortunately, we choose the wrong methods to channel our stresses and frustrations and we use the wrong medicine to heal ourselves physically and mentally (i am not a fan of science, if they can't CURE the common cold do we really think we can count on it for psychological stability?) such as pharmaceuticals.. the Zolofts and Prozaks of the world that is made simply to NUMB your feelings, not heal them. The feelings and problems are still there on a mere unconscious level, but still there non the less. Alcohol, cigarettes, and other "socially accepted" killers are also used for stability but have also proven themselves to not only reverse the effects your trying to achieve but slowly kill you mentally and physically.
Cannabis, is an extremely powerful tool which is apart of nature and it is something I use on a daily basis for mental and spiritual clarity (it also creates quite a good time
. The ONLY problem with it, which has been proven time and time again with thousands, if not, millions of smokers is the PARANOIA. People are terrified of the paranoia and the way it makes them feel, myself included. But i thought to myself how can something so natural, pure, and good for you cause such a horrible effect? I came to the conclusion that it is nothing more than angst (anxiety) and for those who know the true meaning of angst, it is simply defined as "problems from within". There are certain characteristics that you have subconsciously that you are not aware of that project through your conscious and it fuels your perception of yourself and the world around you. To put it more simply, your subconscious is your computer while your conscious is the monitor.. if that makes more sense, it is the reality you see because of what you are made up of. Ergo, if you have angst, you will have bad experiences due to the emotion enhancing abilities of cannabis. However, have no fear because angst, having a simple design, is a very simple fix even though people make it out to be this huge life threatening problem, it actually isn't. Life is extremely simple, there are different methods of curing angst, mine is routine. Proper diet and sleep patterns is what makes me feel incredible and when i feel great I think positive and when you think positive about yourself the entire world begins to change in your favor, it is actually quite miraculous. Remember, the meaning of life is love.. and positivity is a branch of love.. so if you think positively and everything is positive you will see to the route of any problem much easier because it is no longer a hassle, it is simplified. Proper dieting and suppliments are key, my brother creates these regiments and put me on a plan including green tea extracts, fish flax and borage oil, Centrum, and Vitamin C That isn't all though, there is a phantom factor in all of this. As great as I felt I still felt a bit paranoid and uneasy, so my brother suggested that I drink Vitamin Water: B Relaxed. I didn't understand it but i tried it anyway. I couldn't believe my stoned eyes, it worked!! Not only was I not paranoid at all but I never felt better in my entire life. Being able to not only cure myself naturally but to enjoy my high state without any bullshit in my way. I examined this more closely and found that the main ingredient in B Relaxed is called THEANINE which is related to glutamine, and can cross the blood-brain barrier. Because it can enter the brain, theanine has psychoactive properties. Theanine has been shown to reduce mental and physical stress and may produce feelings of relaxation. It is commonly found in most tea and other drinks such as vitamin water, green tea drinks, and Sobe.
In closing, if you smoke and your paranoid.. you have issues lol. Fix yourself and you will find peace at the end of a joint. Happy smoking guys, hope this helps.
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