Ladies and Gentlement From Our Satelite Feed Barron Trump

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Ladies and Gentlement - The END of PARANOIA

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by MrGrey, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. MrGrey

    Before i begin, this is entirely opinionated.. i am not a Doctor nor do I think my theory is the end-all to everything nor am I opposed to criticisms so please do not take offense. This is merely an observation from my experience.

    First, let me give you guys a little backround on myself so you understand more of where I'm coming from. My name is Andrew and I'm 23 years old. I come from a rather "paranoid and anxious" filled family (italian) so my whole life I have been sent from doctor to doctor and switched from medication to medication. I am an extremely intelligent person and realized that pharmaceuticals do more harm than good. I am a man of spirituality and nature and i say if its made by nature then its probably good for you so I am down with holistic/natural medicines as well. I believe that human beings have a certain need to be "high" due to the lack of "LIFE" we feel on a day to day basis, whether you except it or not humans have been dulled down and "calmed" so to speak, over many years of false treatments and society based stresses and beliefs. Humans are meant to be naturally high, constantly, and we are not which is why we CONSTANTLY seek the need to feel inebriated and/or high. Unfortunately, we choose the wrong methods to channel our stresses and frustrations and we use the wrong medicine to heal ourselves physically and mentally (i am not a fan of science, if they can't CURE the common cold do we really think we can count on it for psychological stability?) such as pharmaceuticals.. the Zolofts and Prozaks of the world that is made simply to NUMB your feelings, not heal them. The feelings and problems are still there on a mere unconscious level, but still there non the less. Alcohol, cigarettes, and other "socially accepted" killers are also used for stability but have also proven themselves to not only reverse the effects your trying to achieve but slowly kill you mentally and physically.

    Cannabis, is an extremely powerful tool which is apart of nature and it is something I use on a daily basis for mental and spiritual clarity (it also creates quite a good time:smoke:. The ONLY problem with it, which has been proven time and time again with thousands, if not, millions of smokers is the PARANOIA. People are terrified of the paranoia and the way it makes them feel, myself included. But i thought to myself how can something so natural, pure, and good for you cause such a horrible effect? I came to the conclusion that it is nothing more than angst (anxiety) and for those who know the true meaning of angst, it is simply defined as "problems from within". There are certain characteristics that you have subconsciously that you are not aware of that project through your conscious and it fuels your perception of yourself and the world around you. To put it more simply, your subconscious is your computer while your conscious is the monitor.. if that makes more sense, it is the reality you see because of what you are made up of. Ergo, if you have angst, you will have bad experiences due to the emotion enhancing abilities of cannabis. However, have no fear because angst, having a simple design, is a very simple fix even though people make it out to be this huge life threatening problem, it actually isn't. Life is extremely simple, there are different methods of curing angst, mine is routine. Proper diet and sleep patterns is what makes me feel incredible and when i feel great I think positive and when you think positive about yourself the entire world begins to change in your favor, it is actually quite miraculous. Remember, the meaning of life is love.. and positivity is a branch of love.. so if you think positively and everything is positive you will see to the route of any problem much easier because it is no longer a hassle, it is simplified. Proper dieting and suppliments are key, my brother creates these regiments and put me on a plan including green tea extracts, fish flax and borage oil, Centrum, and Vitamin C

    That isn't all though, there is a phantom factor in all of this. As great as I felt I still felt a bit paranoid and uneasy, so my brother suggested that I drink Vitamin Water: B Relaxed. I didn't understand it but i tried it anyway. I couldn't believe my stoned eyes, it worked!! Not only was I not paranoid at all but I never felt better in my entire life. Being able to not only cure myself naturally but to enjoy my high state without any bullshit in my way. I examined this more closely and found that the main ingredient in B Relaxed is called THEANINE which is related to glutamine, and can cross the blood-brain barrier. Because it can enter the brain, theanine has psychoactive properties. Theanine has been shown to reduce mental and physical stress and may produce feelings of relaxation. It is commonly found in most tea and other drinks such as vitamin water, green tea drinks, and Sobe.

    In closing, if you smoke and your paranoid.. you have issues lol. Fix yourself and you will find peace at the end of a joint. Happy smoking guys, hope this helps.


  2. 210hustla

  3. marqus139

    marqus139 Registered User

    This is awesome. Thank you for this. I get it anxiety when I smoke, and have been recently. I know I have anxiety and I've dealt with it for 2 years now. Its just that when I smoke (besides being high) I can go almost the whole day without an attack, most of the time. I just wrote it down to check out. What vitamin water or teas would you reccommend that have Theanine or Glutamine in it, or do they make any of those herbal pills of it.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, What is they best method of ingesting Theanine?

  4. justineBTC

    Gold Member

    very awesome first post!! welcome, and keep bringing us interesting things to read..


  5. pavlakos

    awesome first post +rep dude.
  6. beamish

    beamish Sniping you with lols.

    ill stop being paranoid when they legalize hemp in my area.
    i dont get paranoid when i just smoke, i get paranoid dealing with bud.
  7. cire215

    yea, that was a helluva post number 1. i mean, i'm not gonna read all that. but it is impressive. lol.
  8. MrGrey


    the best source that i have found is Vitamin Water: B Relaxed

    drink 1 a day (preferably when you're smoking or right before) and let me know how you feel

  9. cherryjubilee

    cherryjubilee Herb Enthusiast


    lol, sorry but I find that funny ha.

    Anyways, nice first post man,

  10. cire215

    lol, yea i meant it to be a joke.
  11. Naucio

    yeah i was about to not read it. but then i saw everyones reactions and gathered myself to.

    ill try some of that stuff out. ive been the opposite of relaxed every time ive smoked except when i toke before i go to bed.

    thanks man and ill +rep ya but if its grey im sorry haha.

  12. reggaemylitis

    reggaemylitis across the rio grand-eo

    nice first post dude. I really agree with what ur saying, and im real glad u were able to control/ cure ur anxiety/ paranoia. I really think that zoloft and all that shit are made to just numb your emotions and i know many people who would agree. This is a great post dude.
  13. blazedandcrazed

    blazedandcrazed nice with da blahblahblah

    holy...shit very ambitious first quote. that was awsome. :smoking:

    i wasn't gonna read it but im damn glad i did

  14. PUSCIFERfan

    PUSCIFERfan Analyst/Therapist

    Has anyone seen Clerks? This reminds me of the scene where a guy makes an impassioned speech about the horrors of smoking but he's only doing it because he works for Nicorette. This post reminds me of that scene, except this guy's selling Vitamin Water instead of Nicorette.

    Very well written and interesting post, nonetheless

  15. MrGrey

    lol im not SELLING anything my friend.. thats just what i would recommend.. if you find anything else with a high Theanine content that you like better, by all means use that

    P.S. fucking AWESOME Bill Hicks avatar.. he is my hero.

  16. cire215

    sick sig, pusc. i love that show.

    "We missed our appointment by an hour and a day"

  17. green_saltine

    green_saltine dank cloud factory

    I agree that zoloft and prozac can be overprescribed, and weed definitely does help, but the common belief that they numb you is false. look, I hate the Big pharma more than pretty much everyone, but for serious clinical depression meds are necessary. They suck, they don't numb you but they do have side effects (Ive heard MAOI's can numb, and probably if you were on massive doses of SSRI's but thats purely speculation) that are not exactly awesome. The only reason I bring this up is because I really hate the thought that if you take these meds you are weak, and because there is a lot of misinformation on both sides. If you honestly think you need them you should do your research, as with any drug, natural or unnatural. But as someone who avoided medication that I desperately needed for years, I get upset at the negative characterization of them and the thought that they are never used properly. Sorry this is longer than I wanted, but if anyone wants to discuss this more you can pm me. Sorry about this, I feel I got a bit off topic. Weed helps with depression, but if you have serious depression it is only a stopgap.
  18. Runthru888

    Runthru888 Registered User

    marijuana can cause panic attacks. people who get panic attacks confuse it with paranoia. I have been a victom of both. Paranoia is normal, where as panic attacks are not.

    when i first started smoking in 7th grade i got a few panic attacks even when i wasnt high i got one in class one time. Its the worst feeling in the world, paranoia is nothing like it paranoia is just worrying...panic attack is feeling like some crazy person has a gun to ur head and ur convinced ur gonna die.

  19. green_saltine

    green_saltine dank cloud factory

    I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. Ive studied and researched pharma a lot (Marcia Angell and Sonia Shah both have excellent books condemning the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry), and while I hate taking the meds, it makes my days livable. It doesnt repress my feelings, nor does it always stop my "episodes" but it does allow me to live a normal life without feeling depressed all the time. Honestly, before the meds I didnt understand emotions truly, because for me depression always happened, I didnt realize you werent supposed to be feeling like shit 98% of the time for no reason. I am not numb, and I fucking hate that characterization, I can still feel, maybe you were on heavy doses and couldn't but dont make it a blanket statement. It doesn't work for all, but it does for some. Weed is great and it helps, but I am not a believer in all things natural are great for you, hemlock's natural, that doesnt mean I want to ingest it.

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